Friday, January 11, 2008

... than fiction

Oh, yeah ... truth? Are you talking to me? 

I've been navigating the blogger universe, trying to assess the lay of the land, and have concluded that the REALLY successful bloggers, on any and all sides of the political / reality / imaginary / and all other borders, must absolutely NOT work for a living. That's no big hit or insult; it just means that it's pretty evident that, for all they're posting and trolling, they aren't holding down the standard 9-to-5. And that's just fine, too. We're all allowed to have hobbies, and if for some it involves a massive and ongoing commitment to the news and information system in this (and many another (!) country, all the better. 

The Daily Kos, for instance, is secure in his status as Web legend — the guy is knocking out something on the order of 15-20 posts per day, though a bunch of them are (admittedly) reposts or gleaned from other sources. And the whole things about ads and the Internet remains a different world. 

Eliminating the commute time that is so typical of most Americans (moi included) would certainly open up a few added moments in daily life, but c'mon. Of course, with the major news sources for students and the thinking public (Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, and Stephen Colbert of The Report ... ) down for the count with the Writers Guild strike still ongoing (it may never end), we're all having to go to the blog world.

And it never hurts to put the time into writing — finished off several writing responsibilities today, including a book review and a chunk of crops for the California Agriculture (CalAg, hence) project. ... with other assorted errands done, too. A major "party on."


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see your CalAg Crop work!

Is there a way to subscribe to these blogs? I'm still looking around on this blogger site, so far it's going well.

tahoebarbara said...

I must say I am on the internet 50%of the time for my business and really don't like it nor do I have time in my otherwise busy day to surf around and read a lot of other people's writings.. Barely have time to post myself. And MY EYES HURT! I agree some bloggers are on all the time and I wonder where they find the time. I think, also, the younger generation is more into electronics then us over 50 crowd. Would much rather be planting a garden, hiking, or reading a book. Oh well, part of the learning experience, eh? Rest assured, my blog will disappear when this class ends.